Buy Cytosport Muscle Milk, Cookies & Cream, 4.94-Pound Jar - Best Deal!! Protein powder

Best Price with Protein powder, We would recommend you with Cytosport Muscle Milk, Cookies & Cream, 4.94-Pound Jar.

Protein powder Product Description : Cytosport Muscle Milk, Cookies & Cream, 4.94-Pound Jar

Dietary supplement.

Nature's Ultimate Lean Muscle Formula! Burn fat! 0g Trans fatty acids.

Zero lactose.

With the great taste of real baked cookie pieces! Micellar Proteins - Stimulate muscle synthesis.

Leanlipids - Designer fats promote leanness.

Growth Peptides - Boost nitrogen balance.

Complete alpha-beta Caseins, Peptides and Lactalbumins - Trigger new growth.

Lactoferrin - Increase oxygen delivery.

Glycocyamine (GCC) - Support natural creatine production.

Leanlipids Burn Fat, instead of storing it! Leading scientists rethinking the role of fats in increasing lean muscle growth have shown all fats are not created equal.

The type of fat determines whether you use it for muscle energy or store it as body fat! Leanlipids used in Muscle Milk promote fat loss 3 ways: Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the predigested fatless fats, are more likely burned for muscle energy and heat than stored as fat.

20% of human milk and Muscle Milk lipids are MCTs.

Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are also less likely to be stored as fat.

We use special enzyme engineering to make these lipids even more functional, promoting anti-inflammatory effects and enhanced mineral retention.

Recent research reveals calories with engineered lipids, taken before and during workouts, promote leanness.

It is thought that these calories are used for workout energy, with less deposited as fat.

So while Muscle Milk may contain slightly more fat than older ultra-carb products, our Leanlipids are designed to help you get leaner.

World's First Evolutionary Muscle Builder: Muscle Milk helps grow muscle faster than gainers, whey or even creatine.

This increased muscle growth is possible because Muscle Milk is the first product patterned after nature's ultimate anabolic food - human mother's milk.

Locked within h

Best Price with Protein powder. This is an overview , Click above product image to go to amazon dot com . for more detail of Cytosport Muscle Milk, Cookies & Cream, 4.94-Pound Jar.

Protein powder Product Feature : Cytosport Muscle Milk, Cookies & Cream, 4.94-Pound Jar

  • Nature's Ultimate Lean Muscle Formula!
  • Burn fat! Don't store it!
  • Micellar Proteins

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    Good chance for you !! - Best Deal !! Protein powder : Cytosport Muscle Milk, Cookies & Cream, 4.94-Pound Jar


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